Sermon Series
the book of Mark
2024-01-07 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark 1-9 Review
2024-03-03 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark Series #44 Chapter 14, Prepared Heart
2024-03-31 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark Series #48 Chapter 16 - He is Risen
2024-05-26 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark Series #54 Chapter 12 - What Do We Give God
2024-06-09 Pastor John Trumble - Sunday Morning - Mark 12
2024-06-16 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark Series #56 - The Second Greatest Commandment
2024-06-23 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark Series #57 - Chapter 12 - Widow's Mite
2024-06-30 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark Series #58 - Deity of Christ
2024-08-18 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark Review Chapter 14 #66 - The Preparations
2024-09-22 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Mark Series #70 - Mark 15 The Death Jesus Died
the book of Nehemiah
2022-05-15 Sunday Evening - Pastor John Trumble - The Introduction to The Book of Nehemiah
2022-05-22 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Nehemiah the Man Called God's Providence
2022-05-29 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - For What Dost Thou Make Request?
2022-06-05 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Nehemiah Comes to Jerusalem
2022-06-12 Sunday Evening - Pastor John Trumble - Who Built the Walls
2022-06-19 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Nehemiah of Prayer of Cursing
2022-07-03 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Having Your Sword Guarded On
2022-07-10 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Brethren Do Not Take Advantage of Each other
2022-07-17 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Attack from the Plain of Ono
2022-07-31 Sunday Evening - Pastor John Trumble - Don't Be Put in Fear
2022-08-07 Sunday Evening - Hananiah A man Who Feared God Above Many
2022-08-14 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - God's Word is Trustworthy - Nehemiah 7
2022-08-21 Sunday Evening - Pastor John Trumble - People Were Gathered Together With One Accord
2022-08-21 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - God is Faithful to His Word
2022-09-11 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - Count Your Blessings
2022-10-02 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - The People Focused on Worshipping God
2022-10-09 Sunday Evening - Pastor John Trumble - Make Your Commitment Before God
2022-10-23 Sunday Evening - Pastor John Trumble - With Praise and Thanksgiving
2022-10-30 Sunday Morning - Pastor John Trumble - How To Be Faithful
2022-11-06 Sunday Evening - Pastor John Trumble - End of Nehemiah As Good As Beginning
the book of 1 Peter
2024-10-27 Sunday Evening - James Johnston - 1 Peter Series #3 - The Gospel Produces Seperation
2024-11-03 Sunday Evening - James Johnston - 1 Peter Series #4 -Submission Unto the Lord
2024-11-17 Sunday Evening - James Johnston - 1 Peter Series #6 - Encouragement for the Suffering
2024-12-01 Sunday Evening - James Johnston - 1 Peter Series - Review
2024-12-08 Sunday Evening - James Johnston - 1 Peter Series #8 - Final Overview